Our Continuum of Solutions


The Promise Heights service delivery model is a coordinated, comprehensive pipeline of solutions that begins at pregnancy and continues through college to career.

We cover four domains: early learning, pre-kindergarten through grade 12, college and career, and family and community.

We understand that success for children in Upton/Druid Heights requires integration of family services, educational programs, wrap-around supports, and community systems to create quality responsive programming.

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B’more for healthy babies

B’more for Healthy Babies staff (known in the community as, Resource Parents) conduct aggressive outreach using door-to-door, word of mouth, and other methods to build family and community trust and increase community awareness in their pre- and post-natal supportive services. Their goal is to locate every pregnant woman and make an offer for service, conduct a comprehensive assessment, develop a strengths-based service plan, and linking them to services including:

  • Prenatal Mom’s Clubs – Seven sessions for pregnant women using Baby Basics, an evidence-informed, comprehensive health literacy program that helps underserved pregnant women understand and act upon pregnancy information.

  • Breastfeeding Transition Support – Support groups for new mothers delivering at University of Maryland Medical Center will provide additional breastfeeding assistance and encouragement in the hospital with emphasis on transitioning to home.

  • Resource Moms and Resource Dads – Resource Parents are lay community health workers who are trained in trauma-informed care and will receive Baby Basics training to lead Mom’s Clubs. They will work closely with partners in other community-based programs such as home visiting.

  • Postpartum Mom’s Clubs – Sessions focus on child health (e.g., immunizations, safe sleep, child development, effective discipline, nutrition), injury prevention (safety at home, child abuse prevention, intimate partner violence), self-care (exercise, stress, post-partum depression, substance use/abuse), and household management (budgeting, credit, housing, resume writing).

  • Circle of Security – An evidence-based early intervention program intended to develop secure attachments between children and parents.

  • Community-based breastfeeding support – Resource Moms are certified lactation counselors and a breastfeeding education room in Upton/Druid Heights.

  • Follow what they do everyday on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!


Stacey Stephens, LCSW-C
Director, 0 to 5 Programming & Community Engagement Initiatives & B’more for Healthy Babies UDH Founder & Longtime Director




Parent university I & II

Parent University I was developed in 2011 from the common components of evidence-based parenting programs to increase parental knowledge of child development, build social supports, and increase responsive parenting behaviors and early language. As each family graduates from Parent University, they are encouraged to enroll their child in Early Head Start or Head Start, as appropriate.

Parent University II, based on The Chicago Parent Program, utilizes video and peer relationships to improve parenting skills and confidence and reduce behavior problems in 4- and 5-year olds.

Both Parent University I & II are 10-week cohorts and take place in the community.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this program has transitioned to a virtual space.


The Judy center at eutaw-marshburn elementary school

The Judith P. Hoyer Center Early Learning Hubs, also known as “Judy Centers,” benefit everyone in Maryland by improving the quality of life for families. Through a dedicated staff of early learning professionals, they help prepare children age birth through kindergarten for school readiness. Located at Title I schools in every Maryland county, Judy Centers play an important role in the communities they serve.



Linda Callahan, LMSW
Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant




Community schools

There are five public schools in Upton/Druid Heights—serving approximately 1600 students—and all are Community Schools led by Promise Heights. Each school is staffed by a Community School Director who then completes a school and community needs assessment to determine the sort of partnerships will best benefit students, families, staff, and the wider community. Under the Promise Heights model, each Community School Director is a licensed social worker capable of providing additional support to students and teachers around mental health and classroom management. 

Each Community School creates its own set of evidence-based partnerships and wrap-around services, such as after-school programming, food pantries, and parent workshops. In addition, each Community School Director leads a team of AmeriCorps members — called PromiseCorps — who work with chronically absent students to remove barriers to school attendance.



Shantay McKinily

Assistant Director




College and Career

The Next Generation Scholars Program (NGSP) was established by Next Generation Scholars of Maryland. NGSP is a State grant program that provides funding for college access through nonprofit organizations to enhance college and career awareness and college completion for low-income Maryland students in grades 7, 8, and 9. Promise Heights staff at the Renaissance Academy High School, Community School, work as College and Career Coordinators helping students to create individualized plans for post-graduation experiences. This work includes:

  • A high school graduation plan;

  • Summer work or internship opportunities;

  • Financial aid literacy assistance;

  • Career and interest assessments;

  • Mentorship and one-on-one counseling;

  • Visits to college campuses, and workplaces;

  • An intensive summer bridge program for students entering an institution of higher education directly from high school; and

  • A plan for students to matriculate and graduate from an institution of higher education.



Chelsea Gray, LMSW
Community School Director




Family Prosperity

Promise Heights helps families access housing, health, affordable food, and employment by Promise Heights social workers: families receive case management services, information and referral, financial assistance, and benefits screening. Between March 2020 to June 2022, essential resources have been listed and updated daily in our “Thrive During COVID” link, under the “DON’T MISS THIS!” tab.


